Archive for zerg

Fraps n stuff

Posted in Age Of Conan with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 28, 2008 by yetanotheraocblog

Okay so I finally took the time apart from AoC to learn how to use Sony Vegas 8.0 decently to make use of the fraps material I’ve recorded. Actually I noticed I didn’t really have as much raw material as I thought I did. Funny and epic situations come and go so suddenly they are usually hard to get on tape. I’ll just have to work on my frapsing skillz in the future.

So for the compilation; it is very small. Contains a few ganks and a Red hand guard mugging at Tortage city. Those things (the guards) are tough I tell you. ^^ Took me all day to learn to use Sony Vegas to put this together and that was taken out of my AoC time so you better watch it (and like it too!)! So without further ado I present you AoC Opening Weekend compilation which happens to be my first ever made video too:

The Stuff

I’ve been playing AoC intensely since it’s release and it has totally sucked me in. I’ve been sleeping for around 4 hours every night since friday and it’s really starting to take it’s toll. Having a really hard time concentrating at work and almost fell asleep at lunch today. And THAT, people, is a sign of a great game.

Taking a break from the mayhem

My /played is around 35 hours now and my level is 35. Specced my barbie as a berserker and im loving it. Seem to be doing really good in both PvP and PvE. I still havent encountered any major bugs or any lack of content that everyone keeps talking about, but I guess those are soon to come. I just want to get 40 fast so I can ride my mammoth!

If I was to complain about something at this point it would probably be the lack of choices in armor, the looks mostly that is. Seems like no matter what I wear I look exactly the same as the next guy of the same class. Yesterday I got a sleeved version of my nice armor and that really felt like a small victory on my part. Even though the armor was a quest reward and every single barbie out there on my level will probably be wearing exactly the same armor. Don’t get me wrong the armors look absolutely realistic and fantastic, but it would be nice to look cool AND unique. Oh and I’ve got a huge thing for horned helmets. In every game I just have to have a horned helmet. Yesterday I got one as a drop and was sad to find out it was heavy armor and I couldn’t wear it. So please Funcom! Add a light armor helmet with huge ram horns on it to the game. \o/ For now I am stuck with my wannabe horn helmet which can be seen in the image above.

Another thing I wasnt too pleased with was that some of the group quests can’t be done as a group for some reason. For example the one in which you have to destroy the Ymirish Statues. That place is tough with the Ymirish destroyers and sorcs running wild and definitely can’t be beat solo at that level range and bad pulls in a group can get you all killed real easy. So the quest requires you to destroy 6 statues. The thing is that every single person in the party will need to kill 6 statues of their own. This can be very very time consuming especially if your group lacks a healer as you will probably die alot.

I still haven’t tried the minigames at all, but that is on the top of my ‘to do’ list tomorow as I get home from work. Also LFG Mayhem in the fortress and Cimmerian’s Plea /tell Odefi ^^

By Crom! Just now as I was finishing this up so I can log in to AoC for an hour before I go to sleep I received the information that the servers are going down now for some updates. Just my luck.. Oh well.. Updates are always nice. I shouldn’t complain. T_T


Lol zerglings. ^^

– Odefi